Thursday, January 19, 2017

Revisited Plan: Another Road Trip

Yes, you read that correctly: On February 1st, 2017, I will be starting another trip! This time, nothing is going to hold me back or ruin it! (Though last time I ended up living on an island for 5+ months, so it was not all bad, haha).

(2016 - Hiking to the Horse Caves in the Holyoke Mountain Range in Massachusetts)
I am beyond excited to see all the things I missed out on last time. This one will be just under two weeks (financially, I will not be able to afford much more than that (long story, this is normally not the case), but whatever). To me, that's still enough time to see some of the things I am longing to see, and I will be able to narrow down more ideas for other road trips.

I definitely know I want to hit the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and no one understands how pumped I am to FINALLY be going to Utah!! (Legitimately have been waiting for this moment for so, so, so long!) I want to go to a National Park there as well, though I know I am going to need to go back to Utah--there's too many parks there and not enough time to see absolutely everything. Colorado would be cool as well, but I want to go there again, too. (A possible trip idea I have is going across the top area because I want to hit South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, and then into Oregon. Planning still in process as this will be much further down the road).

It's nice to be able to have the freedom to do this now, though I am going to be a little stressed when it comes to money after. I was contemplating writing a quick guide to traveling on a budget. I know it has been done before, but everyone's experience is different and I think looking at these kinds of things from various viewpoints is always a plus. Hopefully if I do this, it can help someone out with a trip they are planning!

Until then, I am going to Connecticut this weekend and trying to figure out what I want to pack for all my adventures! I honestly think packing is the worst part, and it always results in me having 5 different lists of what I need.

Time to get back to writing my book--hopefully I can get it finished up soon. Hope everyone is doing well and has a great day. <3

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